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, nl) is a Professor of Communication and Organization Theory at VU University Amsterdam. The main focus of his research is the role of communication and sensemaking in processes of innovation, entrepreneurship and change, but he also has an interest in questions of reasoning and theory development in organization theory

R. Durand and (. Durand@hec, fr) is the GDF-Suez Professor of Strategic Management at HEC Paris. He received his Ph.D. in management from HEC Paris. His primary research interests concern the strategic, institutional, and social determinants of organizational advantages

C. Peer and . Fiss, ) is an Associate Professor of Management & Organization at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California. He received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University. He is broadly interested in how meaning structures shape organizational actions and has studied this in the context of practice diffusion, categorization, and framing

C. John, He received his Ph.D. in sociology at the University of California, Davis. His current work centers on how institutions are manifest in organizational communication